首页 >女生耽美 >交错 > 第168章 巡界者与叛界者

第168章 巡界者与叛界者(第3 / 4页)

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that your heart still needs

and your soul pletes

canfind a wayfalllove again

it's hard for you

when your heart has openedto feelings that you never knew

= v = 于是,送首感觉不错的歌,给大家看文的时候慢慢听。

falllove again —— jessica simpson


holding tightevery dream i thought our love would ever

the scenthope slips throughfingers plain forto see

never thinking that you'd doubt our love you don't know whatdo

i'd give anything,heart,souli could pull you through

justfind againloveholdtrue

and will your arms still hold

and your eyes console me, baby

can feel nowyour eyes the changing way you lookme

where's the loveknew would lasteternally

and will your arms still hold

and your eyes console me, baby

please don't turn your back and just pretend

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