首页 >历史军事 >恶魔三王子恋上绝美三公主 > 6、校花争霸

6、校花争霸(第3 / 6页)

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Cause this scar runs so deep’

It’s been hard’

I know u wanna be tion’

The one that I can always depend’

I’ll try to be strong’ believe me’

I’m trying to move on’

It’s coand me’

I’m a love I lost’

I’m feeling your frustration’

Then maybe all the pain will stop’

Just don’t be close inside your arms tonight’

Don’t be to hard on my emotions

Cause I need time’

My heart is numb has no feeling’

So while I’ling’

Just try and have a little patience’

Yeah’ have a little patience’ Yeah

Cause I’ need time’

My heart is numb has no feeling’

So while I’ling’

Just try and have a little patience’

I really wanna start over again’

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