“Wait,”(等一下,)Roger说,“there was a letter for you,I think it was actually from Jiang Ping.”(你有一封信,我觉得是姜平给你的。)
“I am sorry,Mom,”Roger说着起身去厨房拿笤帚去扫掉满地的玻璃碴,“I am sorry,this was dad's favorite ashtry.”(对不起,妈妈,这是爸爸最喜欢的烟灰缸。)
“She is selfish.”(她自私。)Roger妈妈说。
“Some woman delivered it here,she didn't say anything,just left it with the doorman.Didn't you say Jiang Ping had a cousin?”(一个女的送过来的,什么都没说,就把信留给楼下守门人了。会不会是姜平的堂姐?)
“I called her cell,she is actually in New York,did not come to see me,and even worse,used me as an excuse to come to New York with her boy toy to have an affair.Mom,what kind of person does that?”(我刚给她打电话,她在纽约,不仅不理我,不来看我,还以看我为借口带着小情人到纽约来玩。她怎么能是这样的人?)
“Yes,a female cousin,who is a Chinese doctor in Seatle.maybe 10 years older than him.”(有可能,姜平的堂姐比他大十岁,是个中医,住在西雅图。)张燕说,“How do you know it's from Jiang Ping?”(你怎么知道是姜平的信?)
“What happened?”(怎么啦?)妈妈问。
Roger很不好意思地说:“Because I opened it.I saw the signature at the bottom of the page,it exactly like his signature on his art work.I am sorry,Yan.”(因为我把信拆了,我看见签名了,我认识姜平的签名,和他作品上的一模一样。抱歉,燕。)
张燕脑子像炸了一样,姜平给她写信了?她突然太想看到这封信了,她根本没听见Roger的抱歉,她只是慌张地说:“Give me the letter,I gotta go.Please,give me the letter.”(给我信,我得走了,给我信。)
Roger妈妈吓坏了,马上过去安慰儿子,使劲摩挲他的背,嘴里喃喃道:“It's OK,It's OK.Calm down baby,you are OK.”(好了,好了。冷静一下,没事儿的。)
Roger在屋子里找了一圈,发现没有了。他突然想起来清晨他妈妈把他砸碎的烟灰缸扫走倒在垃圾桶里:“Oh my God,Yan,I think my mother threw it away!”(噢,天哪,燕,我想我妈妈已经给扔了。)两人同时冲到厨房的垃圾桶,张燕毫无顾忌地将垃圾大把大把掏出来,Roger也被她推开,张燕的手被玻璃碴刺破,她借着一时的疼痛开始哭泣,先是抽泣,之后变成号啕大哭,一直到她把姜平沾满垃圾的信捧在怀里,冲出Roger家,钻进一直在楼下等她的专车。